
Friday, March 29, 2013

Seriously, brain, just stop.

Forgiveness. I told myself I would write about this today, well, because I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I know that there are a lot of people in my life that I need to forgive; I've burned a few bridges in my day and should forgive those people, but mostly, myself. I need to cut myself some slack and allow for it to be okay that I fuck up every once in a while. It's not like I begin each day thinking, "Who can I fuck over today and how?" Which, I would think, would be exhausting. But, on a daily basis, I really do this to myself. I have a tendency to judge myself so harshly that anything that comes out of my mouth to ANYONE is foder for me to judge. And judge in such a manner that I will most likely return home and think to myself, "you should probably not speak to people, ever." I'm charming, really. But forgiveness... that's a huge word. How do you forgive yourself for shit that seems so large and so unforgivable? I read so much about the power of positivity and the power of forgiveness and ways to go about doing both. And I practice both on a daily basis... for other people. And I teach this stuff, I guide people through the process of forgiving themselves and forgiving others. So why is it so hard to practice it in my daily life for myself? It is most important that I do it for myself, because, really, how credible am I as a therapist when I can't practice what I preach? And maybe that statement is another example of how I need to cut myself some slack and stop judging so harshly. Maybe. Whatever. My point is this, it really is okay for me (and you) to fuck up. It happens. And yes, it is okay. It's actually probably good that humans make some mistakes so we can learn from them, right? How else would we learn where our boundaries are/should be?

I've taken this entire week to return to my mom's house, fall apart, piece myself back together and forgive myself for a few things. And I feel a hell of a lot better than I did one week ago. Last week I thought I was losing my mind, literally. I thought that I wouldn't make it through another day, let alone another week. But, it seems as though time and perspective can heal. Friends and family help too. Oh yeah, and home cooking.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The one where I break down.

This past weekend left me more sad and distraught than I have been in quite some time. With the most recent move, the end of a relationship, and the usual day-to-day worries, I had reached my breaking point yesterday. While on the phone with a friend, I laughed and joked about what a great time I had over the weekend (which I did), but I could feel the sadness ready to burst out of me at any moment. I did what any self respecting 30 year old would do, ignore it. Deny, deny, deny. That's how I've been dealing for the past 6 months, why stop now?
An entire season of Arrested Development and two naps later, I finally let go. I let myself be sad, upset, worried, angry, whatever, I just let it happen. I really enjoy controlling my every emotion, I am very strict about not letting myself get too high or too low. Unfortunately, over the years, this has lead to me glossing over all of the negative feelings with, "Oh yeah, that sucked, but I'm fine." A release was absolutely necessary. It's hard to relinquish control over everything; it's hard to feel so vulnerable, and I'm sure I won't be comfortable with it, maybe, ever.
I still don't feel better, but I finally feel like it's okay for me to be upset/pissed off about what happened. I need to stop judging myself so hard about how I feel about the things that have happened. So today, I'll return to my yoga mat, I'l go for a run, I'll eat a boatload of candy, and I'm sure I'll break down again. But that's okay.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

On Nesting

I've been spending an incredible amount of time cleaning and organizing everything that I own. I really have never taken the time to do this before, at least not this quickly after a move. I usually leave everything half unpacked, throw out what I don't need, and then go buy everything I thought I didn't need but really did and threw it out. And everything sits in a corner and I dig through it daily. This has been my normal process. But, holy hell!, it's kind of nice to have everything organized. Like, I bought actual organizational containers to put shit in. Am I the last person to realize that these 1. exist, and 2. they're freaking cute! I have a designated space for my hair dryer and not 'just wherever the hell I leave it.' It's an actual space, next to the straightener and curling iron I don't use. They have spaces too. So grown up or I just have a lot of free time. I'm going to guess the free time.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Network your face off.

Being newly unemployed again has left me with quite some time to consider where I would like to take my career. Do I want to go back to working for an agency? Do I want to be subcontracted out? Do I want to not even work in my field until I finish school? Who the hell knows. Right now, I'm throwing everything I've got up against the wall to see what sticks. I've emailed, networked, and called everyone I can think of to let them know I'm available. I'm here! I'm back! I have a great work ethic!

My game plan is to try out all of these routes to see what matches best with me. I have an idealized dream of never having to work for someone else again, but I know I'm not in the place for that yet. Once I'm licensed, that will be a different story. I will be in a place where I can go into private practice, I can work a few days/nights a week with individual clients; my options will be more vast.

Next step? Figure out the school component of this. When does the semester even start? Probably something I should know. Time to get on that.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

On the move

Okay, so I've been avoiding posting here for awhile in order to get myself together. But, I'm slowly getting everything packed up and prepping the dogs because... I'M MOVING AGAIN! Of course I'm going back to Boston. I have to finish school and from there, who knows.

So I quit my job, I re-enrolled in school, and I have packed (mostly). Oh yeah, and I leave tomorrow. Unemployment has already begun again, but I have an interview on Tuesday so things may go smoother this time around.

I'll be back with more updates once I get myself moved into my new apartment and get the dogs situated.
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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cognitive dissonance

Whenever I feel as though I've made a mistake, or done something I shouldn't have done, there is always this accompanying feeling of dissonance. It's a feeling I have trouble shaking; it seems to linger in the back on my mind, no matter how hard I try to push it away or convince myself it's not a big deal. Most likely, it's not a big deal, but there is a possibility that it could turn into something of a big deal, a problem, even.

My solution? Eat candy, watch Sex & the City, and smoke cigarettes. Tomorrow will be better.

Monday, January 21, 2013


As it tends to go, my situation has changed once again. After a mild freak out yesterday, I have a skeleton of a plan in place to move again. The wheels have been put into motion, as they say. So, I guess now it's just time to keep things moving and figure out a way to do this. If there is one thing I am good at, it is moving at the drop of a hat. So, it's time to harness that strange skill and put it to work again. Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Made it!

My birthday has come and gone, along with it came the flu. I'll return once I don't feel like dying.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The day has come...

I turn 30 tomorrow! Holy crap! When did that happen? More on this later, I'm so tired I need to get my butt into bed (at 6pm...)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


After work this afternoon, I came home to nap for an hour. That hour turned into three. What I didn't expect was to lie in bed for another hour wondering if the fucked up dream I just had was actually true. So in an effort to calm my overactive, insanity laden brain, I sent out a text to my exboyfriend confirming that he is still alive. It was that crazy of a dream.

I now also get to take the title of most insane ex ever. Thank you, thank you. I'm happy to accept this award on behalf of all nutty women on the east coast. So not only did I send a text making sure he is still alive, I proceeded to ramble on about my dream. Most people shouldn't text while drinking; I shouldn't text while waking up.

I'm hoping everyone else had a great opportunity to make an ass out of themselves today!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Photo drop

I'm just plunking all of my photos from the past few days. 
Boba Fett origami helmet. 

Possible new glasses. They may be too large for my face though. 

Look at that face. Too cute. 

Happy Sunday, enjoy your week! 

Friday, January 4, 2013


I'm obsessed with I've been writing so much on a daily basis, which makes me 1. want to write more, 2. want to read more, and 3. incredibly happy. I think the fact that it is private and not stored on my computer for anyone to read is what makes me enjoy it so much. Not that there is anything I wouldn't reveal to my closest friends, it's just nice to have a space where punctuation, spelling, grammar, and complete sentences don't matter. It's lovely, I highly recommend it.

Jabba's eye is looking really rough right now. It's not healing the way that it should and I'm worried he's going to go blind in that eye. My poor little man. I would post the most recent photo but I'm lazy and don't feel like finding an iphone cord. Whatever. Here's Jabba looking adorable (and trim!).

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

The only really notable thing I have done in honor of the new year is disable my facebook account. GASP! I found myself becoming really annoyed every time I would scroll through the pages, so problem solved. I'm sure I'll go back eventually, but for right now, no Facebook for me!

Have a lovely New Year!